Stop words are the words that are filtered out when a computer is doing natural language processing. Which words are stop words? There is no single list of stop words. The stop words you use will vary depending on the specific project you were working on. In python, there is a library called the natural …
What is Machine Learning?
Today we are going to ask ourselves the question, What is machine learning? Machine learning is the concept of training your computer to analyze data for you. But without you having to give explicit instructions for every part of the task. Machine learning consists of datasets that you use to train your models. Models In …
Machine learning Models vs Algorithms
Machine learning is very prevalent these days. But you may not understand all of the lingo. In this article, we will discuss what the difference is between a machine learning model and a machine learning algorithm. We will also discuss when to use what models, and a few, types of machine learning algorithms. Models Machine …
How to use Vagrant with VMWare vCenter
Vagrant is a tool made by Hashicorp for provisioning and de-provisioning virtual machines and groups of virtual machines. Frequently Vagrant is used for brining up test machines on your local computer. But, sometimes you want to run your virtual machines in your data center. In this article, I will describe how to use Vagrant with …
Building a classifier using Python and Scikit Learn
Scikit Learn is an easy to use Machine Learning library for Python. In this article, we will discuss how to create a basic classifier application where you can feed it data, and it will properly classify it for you. In this case we will use data on cars and classify them as Sedans, Pickup Trucks, …
Getting OSX ready for Tensorflow
This article will describe the process of getting Tensorflow working on OSX. By the end of the article, you will have all the prerequisites installed to allow you to run Tensorflow-based python applications on your MacOS/OSX computer. Install Homebrew Homebrew is a package manager for OSX. It is similar to apt-get on Ubuntu or yum …
Windows Update Commands – USOClient, Powershell, WUAUCLT
The windows Update CLI commands are useful for troubleshooting Windows Update errors. And they are helpful when you need to automate the windows update tasks. In newer versions of windows, the WUAUCLT command has been deprecated and replaced with the usoclient. In this article we have included the options and syntax for using wuault, usoclient, …