Uncomplicating Technology

Showing: 11 - 20 of 39 RESULTS
laptop next to a pineapple and some small pumpkins

Python data types explained

In python, almost everything is an object. This includes variables like String and Integers and containers like lists and dictionaries. Given that everything is an object, what are data types? Data types are simply how you classify your objects. If you have an object with the type of String, then that object will have all …

man drawing flowchart on whiteboard

What is JSON? (JavaScript Object Notation)

Javascript Object Notation, or JSON for short, is a data structure that uses only human-readable text to transfer or store information. It is very popular, especially in the context of web technologies, for transferring data between applications. JSON allows you to import and export data in a structured manner without doing a lot of work …

puppy in teacup with red dots

Python Objects and Classes

Python is an Objected Oriented programming language. This means that Python has a data type called objects. Today we will discuss what objects are; how are objects relate to classes; and when you should use objects and classes. What are Objects? Objects are containers that hold a collection of attributes and functions. As an example, …

cups full of pens, pencils, paint brushes, and rulers

Working with Python Collections

A collection in Python is an object that contains other objects. You can also think of it as a container or a bucket. There are many different kinds of collections contained within the containers module in Python. Today, we will discuss the different kinds of Python Collections/Containers. How to use different kinds of Containers. and …

two guys arm wrestling at a bar in black and white

Mutable vs Immutable objects in Python

There are two types of objects in Python, Mutable and immutable objects. Mutable objects are more flexible in that these objects can be changed in place. Immutable objects are more static and cannot be changed without allocating a new object of the new type or with the new value. In some languages, almost all variables …

different chaped blocks with numbers

Python Numbers

Today we will discuss the different kinds of number variables in Python. How to interact with them, and what they are used for. There are four kinds of numbers in the Python language: Int Long Float Complex Integers Integers are the basic kinds of numbers in any programming language. Integers are whole numbers, which means …

calendar shown on tablet

Working with DateTime objects in Python

When you read a date or time from a text file, user input, or a database, you are likely to get the date information as a string. It is helpful to convert the string to a datetime object since it will allow you to do more advanced functions. In today’s article, I will discuss and …

book with pages half open
Database Python

Using TinyDB with Python

When writing your python code, you will undoubtedly find yourself in a situation where you need to store some structured data. You could just write the data to a file, but that data might take a bit of work to parse later on. Setting up a MySQL server takes a bit of work, and might …

e=mc2 screenshot

Python Math Operators

Understanding the Python Math Operators is very important. You use these operators throughout the Python language whether it be concatenating strings, doing basic algebra, complex calculus, or delving into data science. In this article, we will cover the basics of doing math with python including how to do multiplication, division, addition subtraction, exponents, and orders …