purple code

A common task in any programming language is Reading and Writing files. Below are a couple of functions that can be used for these purposes, along with descriptions of their use. Be sure to import java.io for these functions to work.

//Function for Reading Files. You need to pass a string with the path to the file you wish to read. This function will return a string value with the complete contents of the file in question.

static String readFile(String myFile){
      String returnValue="";
	try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(myFile))) {
		    for(String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null; ) {
		        returnValue = returnValue + line + "\r\n";
		catch(Exception e){}
		return returnValue;


//Function for Writing files. You need to pass the string you wish to write to a file, along with the path to the file you wish to write to. This function will write the string to the file path you passed to it. This function will over-write any file that is already at that path.

	static void writeFile(String myString, String myPath){
			PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(myPath, "UTF-8");
		catch(Exception e){}	